Friday, April 21, 2017

Senior Citizens Day at the Trop

Thursday is Senior Citizens Discount Ticket Day for the Tampa Bay Rays.  As an added bonus yesterdays game was a matinee game.  Discounts and a matinee game so bedtime is not jeopardized, who can pass that up?  Not me and my two brothers!  So we took in a little afternoon baseball at Tropicana Field (aka "The Trop").  We had a great time catching up and solving world problems while watching the Rays dispose of the Tigers.
While the three of us aren't exactly "spring chickens" we were considerably younger than a significant portion of the crowd which is an ego booster.  As a part of the pregame there was a "Senior Prom" with one lucky well seasoned man and woman being named Senior King and Queen.  The Rays spared no expense on this promotion and presented the lucky winners with crowns that looked like they had been picked up earlier in the day at a local Burger King.  The King and Queen did get to throw out the first pitch which was pretty cool.  If only I would have known about this contest.  I would have nominated my two elderly brothers as Co-Kings.  They used to throw pretty good, I'm thinking their first pitches would have been solid.

Pre-game meal of Chicken Wings at Fergs

Sweet Baby James is getting so excited about coming to the beach he isn't going to let his Mom & Dad forget him!