Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A very happy camper!

We've left England and Wales behind and moved north to Scotland.  We're in Edinburgh now.  We have four nights here before flying to Ireland.  In addition to spending some time in the city we're to do a couple of day trips.  One to look for the Loch Ness Monster and another visiting St. Andrews which is not only the birthplace of golf, it's also where Prince William found Kate back when they were attending the university there.
Our drive from the Lake District to Edinburgh was about 4 hours driving time with a couple of hours of stopping along the way.  As usual Beth had done her homework and had found a couple of unique and interesting things for our amusement.  The first two were a little quirky but a lot of fun to see.
First up it was something called the Falkirk Wheel.  This contraption is a rotating boatlift that connects two of the major canals in Scotland.  Hard to describe but it was huge and very entertaining to watch.  Hopefully the video or pictures will help explain it.  Needless to say, there was a whole lot of engineering involved in designing that thing!
From the Falkirk Wheel we were just a few miles from another unusual attraction, the Kelpies.  The Kelpies are the largest horse sculptures in the world.  There are two of them that are side by side and they are 30 meters high.  While it might seem like something more appropriate for Fort Worth than Scotland it was fun staring at them for a few minutes.  They are located in a nice park just off the motorway.  I can't imagine how many accidents they've caused since their completion in 2013 as unsuspecting drivers suddenly see these guys.  They definitely get your attention.
Our last stop was a little more normal.  We stopped for a quick look around the town of Stirling.  Stirling is a "university town".  However, it is most well known for it's castle, appropriately named Stirling Castle.  The castle sits at the highest point in the town so it can be seen for miles and once up there it offers great views of the surrounding area.
I have one funny story from our Stirling visit.  They have a very magnificent old church which was founded in 1129 with a little bit of an unusual name.  It's called the Church of the Holy Rude.  Now I'm not sure what the name means but I'm sure there is an appropriate story that makes the name make sense.  We found it amusing that it had a big "Welcome" sign out front stating that the church was open weekdays until 4:30.  It was around 3:30 when we went to the door and were greeted with a "closed" sign!  Kinda rude if you ask me. 
One of my most challenging driving experiences ever was in Edinburgh about 15 years ago.  We had Ben and Sarah with us and it might have been my first experience driving on the left side of the road.  Of course it was also prior to the GPS.  Edinburgh is full of narrow streets,  many of which are one way and the name of the street seems to change for some reason every few blocks. I remember that day long ago that about every 10 minutes or so I would see the hotel but with all the one way roads I was having a hard time getting to it.  This went on for what seemed like several hours although it probably wasn't nearly that long.  I was just about to park that car in the middle of the road and tell everyone to grab their suitcases and walk to the hotel.  Suddenly some how, some way a path opened up and we made it.  I'm sure it was very amusing to Beth, the kids and the thousands of pedestrians that I kept passing. 
That experience has been stuck in my little brain for all these years.  Yesterday afternoon, older, wiser, more experienced and with the help of the GPS we navigated pretty easily to the hotel, unloaded and then drove on the last 1.5 miles to the rental car company.  I turned a little quick one time and think I did manage to go the wrong way on a one way street for a minute or so.  But it wasn't a busy street so it didn't cause a ruckus. 
We had that rental car for 17 days and put over 1,000 miles on it.  To the best of my knowledge I didn't hit anybody or anything.  When I turned in those keys I was one happy camper!

Just dropped off the rental car!

The Falkirk Wheel

The wheel in action bringing a boat to the lower canal.  The boat can barely be seen but probably holds 150+ people.

Didn't mean to stick my hand up his nose!

Beth and one of the Kelpies


Stirling Castle