Monday, September 21, 2020

Wrapping up, that was quick!

I had hours of fun wading out and fishing in the river.  Thankfully my fishing was only rarely interrupted by catching a fish!

Whoever came up with the saying "time sure flies when you're having fun" certainly knew what they were talking about.  It's hard to believe our four weeks in Kennerdell have come and gone in what now seems like the blink of an eye.  Simply put, we loved everything about our stay in this small community located on the Allegheny River.

Biking, hiking or being walked by Allie.  The Allegheny River Trail, Sandy Creek Trail, Oil Creek Trail or River Trail were all spectacular.

Me, Ben and Allie going to the light at the end of the Kennerdell Tunnel.

The peaceful setting with the clear waters flowing by, accompanied by a backdrop of green trees covering the small mountains, was incredibly relaxing. The friendly skies were actually friendly as geese, ducks and eagles shared the open air space. Finches and other small birds stayed close to the tree lined shore.

Kayakers on the river.  The river traffic would pick up a little on the weekend but it was still incredibly peaceful.

Bloggers Paradise!

With the low hanging fog over the river, morning fires were even better than evening fires.

Presque Isle and Lake Erie, were only a little over an hour away and made for a great day trip.

Ben and Allie coming off a walk on the Allegheny River Trail.

The neighbors up and down the road were friendly and welcoming to the point that after just a day or two we felt like we weren't visitors at all, just a part of the neighborhood.

Although we saw and did a lot, there are plenty of day trip adventures left for future visits.

Most importantly, there was plenty of Ben and Allie time.............

Hey, Hey, and the World's Greatest Activities Director

We've returned to Florida for a few days.  On Thursday morning we'll be celebrating a very special lady's birthday.  While I know I'm not supposed to divulge a ladies age, she's going to be 92!  Hopefully she won't be too mad at me for spilling the beans.  If she is, I think I can outrun her!

After the hoopla, we'll be flying back to Pittsburgh to pick up the car and heading off for our next adventure.  We'll be Yooper's for the next month.  If you're not sure what a Yooper is you can google it or I'll explain it in the next blog.

Next stop..........Yooperville!