Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Hiking Acadia National Park

It can be both a bad thing and a good thing when the weather guys are right with their forecast.  Today was one of those days.  Morning rain was predicted (a bad thing) and it did rain.  Clearing skies were in the forecast for around noon (a good thing) and low and behold it happened!  While waiting out the showers we made a quick trip to the L.L. Bean outlet which just happened to be less than a mile from the hotel.  It's a great store to roam around in for a while.  I ended up buying a pretty spiffy looking windbreaker/rain jacket which you'll see me modeling in some of the pictures below.
The main store is located in Freeport, Maine and from everything I understand, it is quite a place.  We may have a chance to stop there in a couple of weeks when we're wrapping up this adventure.  We won't have to worry about it being open.  It's open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
On the way to the park we stopped off and walked around Bar Harbor a little bit more.  It's a very cool little town, right on the coast and pretty much surrounded by the national park.  I've always heard it's "location, location, location", Bar Harbor has the location!
We did two trails in the park.  First up was the Ocean Path Trail.  This was an out and back four mile trail which as the name implies was right along the coast.  One of the sites along the trail was the Thunder Hole.  If the tide is right and the seas are a little rough the hole in the rock formation is supposed to make a thundering sound as water rushes in to the narrow opening and forces the air out.  We weren't there under the ideal conditions so instead of sounding like thunder it sounded more like a low bellowing fart.  You know the kind, the one someone lets slip out during church at the most inopportune moment.  Oh well, it was a great walk with amazing overlooks the entire way.
After relaxing for a while at Sand Beach where the water temperature was listed as 57 degrees we were off for the second hike.  This one was the Jordon Pond Path.  This trail was a little shorter (3.4 miles) but a little more difficult.  The first half was flat and easy.  The second have was over rocks and on a boardwalk that was never more than 2-3 boards wide.  Again, great views the whole time.  If you ever walk this trail you have a decision to make right off the bat.  From the parking lot trailhead if you go left you get the hard stuff over first.  Go right and you start easy and finish with the challenging part.  Either way it's a great walk in a great park.
We finished the day with a picnic at the same spot where we had our lunch picnic yesterday.  The interesting thing was that although it was the same location the view was totally different.  Yesterday the tide was in while today it was low tide.  The difference was dramatic as we sat looking at rocks 3-4 feet high that were completely covered by water the day before.
Tomorrow it's off to Canada!  It's a six hour drive to our next destination which is in New Glasgow on Prince Edward Island.  We've got a few stops planned along the way and I'm sure there will be more as we make our way.  Getting there is a big part of the adventure!

Modeling that spiffy new jacket along the Ocean Path

Along the Ocean Path

The Ocean Path-Great views around every turn

The Jordon Pond Trail

The Jordon Pond Trail
A nut and a knotty tree!

Jordon Pond