Thursday, May 19, 2016

Calendar for Today

Well I'm almost three full weeks into this retirement thing and while I'm not sure what a "typical" day will look like here's the way today shaped up:

6:00-Wake Up!  Always an early riser plus it gets daylight here around 5:00
6:00-8:00           Drink Coffee, watch and listen to the waves, catch up on the news
8:00-8:30           Breakfast while watching and listening to the waves
8:30-9:45           Walk along Cox Beach
9:45-10:00         Get pounded by Beth in rummy while watching and listening to the waves
10:00-11:00       Nap on the couch while listening to the waves
11:00-11:30       Lunch
12:00-3:30         Walk on Long Beach
3:30-4:00           Gelato at the Chocolate Tofino!
4:00-5:30           Rest in the room and the hammock while watching and listening to the waves
5:30-6:00           Dinner

Heading out now for a walk on Chesterman Beach. Looking forward to watching and listening to the waves.  Still two and a half hours of sunlight!

My brother Gerald told me shortly before I retired that if he would have known how much fun retirement was he would have retired 40 years ago................I think he was on to something!

A very Happy Birthday wish to a very special young lady!
We Love You!
Mom & Dad