Saturday, December 9, 2017

Come on now, seriously??????

I've always taken great pride in being a Native Floridian.  We lived three years in North Carolina right after we were married and spent 23 years in the great state of Texas. However if someone asks where are you from, I say Florida.  Most folks who end up here are from somewhere else.  More often than not they've migrated down from up north somewhere where winter starts in mid-November and goes until around Memorial Day.  They're mostly good folks although they do have a tendency to want to tell us how they did it up north.
We Floridian's can be a quirky bunch.  One of the things that we can really get quirky about is the weather.  We tend to deal with hurricanes, pop up thunderstorms, oppressive summer heat and humidity fairly well.  What we don't handle so well are cold fronts.  We tend to lose our minds.  It's kind of like it's our God given right to have every day from December through March to be in the mid-70's.  When it gets a little nippy things get a little strange.
The same cold front that brought snow to Texas and other places in the deep south is passing through Florida today.  It's windy, drizzling a bit and the temperature is hovering around 60 degrees.  Not a great day but not exactly Minnesota weather.............unless you watch the local news.
The cold front is the lead story with headlines such as "Bay Area Residents Brace for Cold Front".  We were particularly amused to learn that they are opening Cold Weather Shelters.  Yes, it's cooler than usual but were talking overnight lows around 50 degrees, come on now!

The reporter was standing in front of this bank sign doing a story on the opening of Cold Weather Shelters.