Sunday, July 30, 2017

Merry Times in the Canadian Maritimes?

We've been back on AMI for a little over a week now.  It's been hot and humid as it always is down here at this time of year, but it's been very nice for afternoon swims, paddle boarding and of course the nightly sunsets..  We're going to be here for six more nights before hitting the road again.  Like our last adventure, we're going to be heading north in search of a little cooler weather.
This time we will be flying to New Hampshire.  We'll be spending a little time in Maine, but most of the three weeks will be spent north of the border in Canada.  We'll be in Canada's eastern provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island which are known as the Canadian Maritimes.  We'll be covering quite a bit of territory by both car and ferry.  We've been to a few of the places that we have on the itinerary but a lot of it we'll be exploring for the first time.  Rugged mountains, green valleys and rocky coast lines and high temperatures in the 70's! Yes!