Saturday, August 27, 2016

What about your "stuff"?

Meeting new people or running into people I have known for a long time but haven't seen in some time is really amusing these days.  After all the niceties during the first couple of minutes of conversations the inevitable question(s) that will come up is "where are you from" or "where do you live"? 
Early on the way I answered the question would make people think we were buying an RV.  More frequently these days I tell folks that we sold practically everything that wouldn't fit in a Honda Accord, which doesn't hold too much and that we are "intentionally homeless".
The looks of bewilderment and amusement are something to see and the conversation usually turns to "what about all your stuff"?
This is where I have to convince them that we don't own a customized Honda Accord that is the size of a motorhome and that we really did get rid of practically everything we own, aka "stuff".  Now I know this isn't for everyone.  Most people do tell me that it sounds like a great idea although I really don't believe too many of them actually mean it.
Even though Beth and I were never really accumulators of too much "stuff" we still had a bunch of it and for us it was very liberating to get rid of it.  So here are three fun things I've figured out that I don't miss about my "stuff":
Finding my stuff-Hey, I don't own it anymore so other than keys, wallet and sunglasses which I've always had trouble keeping up with I haven't lost anything in the last four months.
Repairing or replacing my broken "stuff"-nothing to own, nothing to break, nothing to replace!
Wondering where I'm going to put my stuff-Isn't it amazing how many people can't park their car in the garage or close their closet door because it's full of "stuff"?  So what do they do?  Go out and rent space in one of those U-Store It buildings that seem to now be more common than Baptist Churches in Texas so they can put more stuff.  Amazing isn't it?
So what if you want to get rid of some of your "stuff"?  Give me a call.  I'd be happy to come over and help you get rid of your "stuff" although you might not like me too much at the end of the day. Another option is to simply call Goodwill or have a Garage Sale, there's thousands of people out there just dying to buy your "stuff" although they really don't need it.