Saturday, July 9, 2016

James Kaden Martin!

Today is the day we have been anticipating for months.  At 7:23 AM Sweet Baby James was born at Mercy Hospital in Fort Smith, Arkansas.  Sarah, Joey and James are all doing awesome and make a beautiful little family.  He's eating, pooping, sleeping and just being as cute as he can be (referring to James of course).
Sarah's doctor admitted her last night around 8:30 and shortly thereafter starting inducing labor.  Everything went well (easy for me to say) and faster than anticipated although I'm sure Sarah would tell you it seemed plenty long enough for her.
As for Beth and I, we flew out of Tampa at 6:50, got to Dallas around 8:30 and drove to Fort Smith arriving a little before 2:00.  James was born while we were on the plane but we were able to stay in contact with Joey by text messaging and had a celebratory high five when we got the text letting us know he had arrived and both he and Sarah were doing well.
Our plans are to stay here for a week and be "helping hands" when and where we are needed.  After that we'll spend a few days at Devil's Den State Park which is about an hour from Fort Smith.  We will then swing back by for a visit and head down to Texas to see Uncle Ben for a few days.  After that we're planning on going somewhere where it's cooler.  We're not really sure where that it is yet, we've got a couple of things booked (Colorado and Idaho) but if something better comes up..........who knows where we'll end up.  I do know one thing, after the heat of Florida, Arkansas and Texas it's going to be cooler.  We will then go back to Texas, pick up Uncle Ben and come back to Arkansas so Ben and James can meet.  Ben has a great plan for a birthday gift for James but that's a story for another day.
It's a crazy world out there these days and seeing the innocence of Sweet Baby James today gives me hope.  As adults, we have an obligation to make the world a better place, hopefully we won't let James or all the other children introduced to the world today down.
Our Beautiful Daughter Sarah and Sweet Baby James!

3 Generations


Very Happy Day!