Saturday, March 20, 2021

Estes Park.............a fantastic shared experience!

Ready for our Estes Park sledding adventure!

 Since last weekend's snow storm the weather has been nothing but sunny skies and gradually warming temperatures.  The roads around Estes Park have been cleared and are in great shape.  Everyday more and more of the roads in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) have been plowed and reopened, giving us more areas to explore.

Estes Park 

Rocky Mountain National Park

The most exciting news of the week was on Wednesday when we were joined by some wonderful family members.  Beth's first cousin Shelly and her husband Kenny from Palmetto, Florida came to visit and will be with us until we check out on Tuesday.  They're not only wonderful family, but they're also great friends which makes it really special.  

It wasn't long after their arrival that we trudged through the snow the twenty five paces to the hot tub.  There's no better place to catch up on the latest news than while soaking in 102 degree bubbling water surrounded by freshly fallen snow.  After catching up, and relaxing our muscles, we set out for an adventure that started very docile and ended going downhill, literally.  We drove into RMNP, where once again we shared the park with more elk and mule deer than people.  After the peaceful, relaxing drive we found ourselves zipping down the sledding hill below the local YMCA.  With three or four runs down the hill and no broken bones we declared Shelly the champion of sledding for both distance and artistry (she successfully completed a 360 degree spin while traveling at a breakneck speed) and called it a successful first day. 

First things, first!

The snow was thick but the roads were clear in RMNP!

Kenny and Shelly.......and the race is on!

The Queens of the Sledding Hill in action.  Shelly is in the middle of her 360 spin!

Look out below!

The sledding adventure ended safely for everyone!

There's a first time for everything and Thursday we ventured out for what was a first time experience for all of us, snowshoeing!  We rented our equipment (snowshoes, boots and poles) from Estes Park Mountain Shop.  The friendly and helpful staff assured us that we would have a blast and even recommended some "easy and flat" trails that would be great for four inexperienced Florida natives.

Estes Park Mountain Shop

By 9:00 AM we were off on our adventure.  The recommended trail was the Lily Lake Trail, a .8 mile loop trail which is located within the boundaries of RMNP  just a few miles south of Estes Park.  The lake, which was completely frozen over, sits in a valley surrounded by mountains.  Much to our surprise, and thanks in part to a nicely worn path, we all picked up on snowshoeing quickly.  Our intentions were to complete the loop trail and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.  Even though we were first timers and at 8900 feet elevation, we made it around so effortlessly that we turned around and retraced our steps.  The scenery around the lake was as spectacular as our snowshoeing skills!  Proud of our accomplishments, we made our way back to the cabin and rewarded our efforts with a nice long soak in the hot tub.

The snowshoeing adventure at Lily Lake Trail begins.........

we had to share the trail for a while..........

King of the Trail!

Beth on the trail..........

Taking a break


All smiles under sunny skies.........

Shelly was our snowshoe leader!

Nearing the finish line at Lily Lake!

Lily Lake Trail

We were thrilled to learn that the roads to one of our favorite areas of RNMP, Bear Lake Road had been cleared and was now open.  Feeling proud of our morning accomplishments we headed out for a second snowshoeing adventure at Bear Lake.  Because the area had been closed since the major snowstorm the path around the frozen lake wasn't as well traveled, so it required a little more effort.  Even though we were sometimes knee deep in snow we made it with only one issue.  Beth politely moved to the side of the trail to let a family pass and suddenly found herself laying in a bed of snow with her head pointing down at a forty five degree angle.  It wasn't an easy position to recover from but after a great laugh, and a few minutes, she was up and we made our way back to the starting point just in time for a mountain sunset.  Snowshoeing was a great adventure that we'd definitely do again if we found ourselves at the right place at the right time.

The drive to Bear Lake.

The snow was a little fresher and deeper at Bear Lake!

Bear Lake Trail

Actually the lake was covered with a thick layer of ice!

Sunset at Bear Lake!

Friday was spent walking the Lake Estes Trail, enjoying a well earned lunch at a local restaurant (Notchtop) and soaking in the bubbly waters outside our back door.  In the evening, Shelly and Beth enjoyed a movie at the cabin while Kenny and I took in part of the Estes Park Bobcats first football game of the season.  Colorado was one of the states that canceled their fall high school sports and activities schedules due to Covid so they're playing a "spring schedule" (if you can call 35 degrees "spring") this year.  We enjoyed the action until the cold temperature got the best of us.  

Along the Estes Lake Trail........

thin ice on the lake by the trail......

......even the elk were relaxing and enjoying the sunny day on Estes Lake Trail.......

taking time to enjoy the scenery!

A little Friday night High School Football.......yes, that's snow that had been removed from the field prior to the game!

Notchtop Cafe

We don't check out until Tuesday. There will be plenty of more laughs. and time to soak in the awesome scenery, both at Estes Park and RMNP.  Of course, there will be a few more sessions in the hot tub between now and then as well!